
Green Man quatrain

I dream of my Green Man
And awake with a smile.
Than I make a divine plan
Wondering if it's worthwhile.


Book of Tao - The Character of the Child by Lao Tsu

55.  The Character of the Child   
Book V. Chapter 55.
Who is rich in character 
Is like a child. 
   No poisonous insects sting him, 
   No wild beasts attack him, 
   And no birds of prey pounce upon him. 
His bones are soft, his sinews tender, yet his grip is strong. 
Not knowing the union of male and female, yet his organs are complete, 
   Which means his vigor is unspoiled. 
Crying the whole day, yet his voice never runs hoarse, 
   Which means his (natural) harmony is perfect. 
To know harmony is to be in accord with the eternal, 
(And) to know eternity is called discerning. 
(But) to improve upon life is called an ill-omen; 
To let go the emotions through impulse is called assertiveness. 
(For) things age after reaching their prime; 
That (assertiveness) would be against Tao. 
And he who is against Tao perishes young.

Would You

What if in the blink of an eye, the world as you know it changed?
Would you as swiftly step up?
Would you step up at all?

If your old beliefs were shattered, proving some were lies
but you could not distinct which ones.
Would you try to search for the truth?

If suddenly you felt remorse after you’ve seen the light.
Would you try to fix it giving it a second chance or peace?

Do you believe in the unknown?
Do you believe in Shangri-la, ghosts, brave divinities,
pixies, mermaids and golden fireflies?
Fairytales and miracles and rainbow space dust?

What would be your answer?
Mine is simple. 
Yes, I would and 
Yes, I do believe in dreamer’s dreams.


I wonder

A thought of something close and shiny has appeared
A thought born out of a miniature atom, out of thin air
A feeling of something warm and bright
A feeling full of smiles

Is it wondrous or delusional?
Unearthly or dreamy?

I wonder
I wonder
As something already known is approaching

Getting bigger and bigger
Warmer and brighter

An unexpected turn of events with a breeze of the returning past
I'm intrigued now what it will manifest in this World
What it will bring

I wonder
I wonder
And I smile in between



Kao snijeg čista
Obasjava osmijehom sreće
I tjera te da se izgubiš u
Tamnim srnećim očima
Koje sjaje kao zvijezde na najcrnijem nebu
I uvode nemir u tebe
Svojom dječjom nevaljalošću


The Green Eyed Butterfly

I dream of a butterfly, 
big emerald green eyed butterfly. 
Shining eyes as supernova 
as looking into my eyes. 

I dream of a butterfly 
with vibrant wings of delicate black lace, 
gliding thru the air as a breeze, 
all around me. 

I dream of a butterfly 
singing happy with his wings. 
Dancing a faerie dance 
as he smiles and touches softly my face.



all is good all is sad
a little blue a little red

a little antsy
a little blessed

somewhat jumpy
somewhat gay

in this ever changing game


As Water I am ...

As water I flow thru obstacles
Beneath the twinkling stars.

As water I glide over banks of life
As nothing stays my course.

Strong and deep
Still and clear.
Always flowing
Always moving

Blue and green
Gray and black
None at all
Yet everything at once.
Magical and tumbling
Dangerous, forceful and soft.

As water I fall on ground from the sky.
I am ocean
I am river
I am stream
Clouds and creeks.
As water I am the bringer of LIFE.


The Dark Soul of the Demon of the Fall

Slowly plunging shallow beds
of the corners of the eye
with scarlet green claws.
Crawling its way through eyelashes
wickedly laughing and silently screaming:
" I am free ! "


Thoughts on pain

pain .. what is pain?
an emotion
an illusion
a teardrop
the hour of separation
the scream of the heart
desperation of taught
coldness of ones smile
scattering the one who is beloved

so maddening
so endless
delusional and

or is it a somewhat beclouded emotion
much darker than we can imagine
the one
yet to be discovered?


Lullaby Dreams

With these treasured memories,
sweet dreams of you shall come to me.
The way you laugh, the way you smile,
my heart, it skips, it leaps a mile.
Your gentle breath, your tender touch,
I long for you, so very much.
Your lips so soft, your eyes so bright,
I need you on this lonely night.
Let me feel you, smell your scent,
taste your mouth, you're heaven sent.
Close me in your warm embrace,
and make my heart begin to race.
Pull me ever closer, near,
tell me what I need to hear.
Fulfill my every earthly desire,
until my passion roars like fire. 

One kiss

One kiss to sweep me away
One kiss to keep my sorrows away
One to rule me
One to bound me
One to set me free
One kiss is all I need
To be with you for eternity 

Just a poem

The words slide off your tempting lips
Like a blue butterfly
as he flutters its wings

But the moment fades away
as i feel your voice as lovely
 gliding in the wind away