
Words to family on Samhain - by R. A. Melos

Still your mind,  
and still your soul, 
heed the words that make you grow, 
listen to the winds of the sages,
learn the wisdom of the mages, 
handed down to us from the ages.

Time is ours,
but only fleeting,
hear the wings of eternity beating,
soon enough we'll all be meeting,
and each of us merrily greeting.

The moon will be full,
and round,
and bright.
And we'll be wisked away,
in the dead of night.
To the place we are meant to be,
to learn and grow,
and maybe see,
a spectre of what we should be.

Time is ours,
frozen, but brief,
allowing us to release our grief,
to open our hearts and minds once more,
and step through the sacred door,
of time and space, and futures past,
to teach us the spells to cast.
So we may once again be free,
to live and love and blessed be.

~ by R..A..Melos ~

The Drums of Samhain - by Chanticleer

The drums of Samhain keeping time.
The gates of magic open wide.
A cauldron's blessings overflow.

The candle flames are dying low.
The witches dance the circle 'round
to chant and bring the power down. 
Hecate will hear our call
to turn the summer into fall.
The magic veil is growing thin.
The Netherworld is near our own. 

We'll see the sacred fire fed
 while witches commune with the dead.
 The winds of Autumn call our names.

The driving rhythm slowly calms. 
The glowing embers we will tend
 until the drums of Samhain end. 

~ by Chanticleer ~


Učenje Zakona vremena

“Kao što je zrak atmosfera tijela,
tako je vrijeme atmosfera uma;
Ako se vrijeme u kojem živimo sastoji od nepravilnih dana i mjeseci,
regulirano mehaniziranim minutama i satima,
naša svijest se pretvara u
mehaniziranu nepravilnost.
Budući da sve potječe od uma, ne treba se začuditi
što je atmosfera u kojoj živimo svakim danom sve zagađenija,
dok se istovremeno svi žale da nemaju dovoljno vremena.
Tko posjeduje tvoje vrijeme - posjeduje tvoj um.
Posjeduj svoje vlastito vrijeme i upoznat ćeš svoj vlastiti um!.”

José Argüelles,
Valum Votan, onaj koji zatvara ciklus

Ode to lost lovers

This is the Ode to all lovers, to lost lovers.
This is a memory of the past and prediction of the future.
A song for the foolish and confused.
A hope for better tomorrow ... for love.
I apply to you all
Love, make love and laugh!
Know your needs and the ones of your lover.
Respect. Be there. Hold and hug. Be true
and you'll find your way, your STAR among the star sky
and lost no longer will you be.
This is the Ode, the warning, the song, an apply
to all .. to lovers .. to lost souls .. to lost lovers

In the Night

In the night when we touch and sleep
my emotions stir so deep within.
My dreams are filled with love that is given
and my heart is renewed.

Have I been living
before there was you?
Before you entered in me
and gave unto me the joy and passion
we both desired? 

I awake and am moved
by the sight of your shape
of your beauty under the light.
The moon shines on you and I shiver from loves delight.

Move me, renew me,
bring me new songs to sing.

My feelings grow strong as i am enlightened
with a thought
Soon ... you will be sleeping in my arms, again.

What is the truth what a deceit?

Angel of light angel of darkness
What is the truth what a deceit?
I leave my body shattered and numb
My mind a loop a catatonic hell
Lost in the melancholic womb

The sins of temptation
Fade my hart and
Take my soul to the other side

I fear the Heaven and
I fear the Hell
Of my hart
I fear what I could find

So I leave my body
shattered and numb
and my mind in a loop

I feel the divinian deceit fall
And new crumbling towers arising
Transiting towers of sudden change collapsing
Embracing the inevitable

Restless and reluctant
Full of fear
Fear of deceit
Fear of darkness
Fear of unknown
Fear of my tears
Fear of merriness
Beckoning change
Of destruction

A new understanding emerges
Death of the old self
A new consciousness
emerging out of this catatonic hell

Žablja psihologija

Malo psihologije. 
Žabe kao primjer. Zadatak koji treba pamtiti cijeloga života!
      Bila jedna grupa žabica koje su se htjele natjecati. Htjele su se popeti na vrlo visoku kulu.
Došlo je mnogo žaba da gledaju utrku i daju podršku žabicama. 

Utrka je počela. Ali nitko od prisutnih gledatelja nije vjerovao da će neka od žabica uspjeti doći do vrha kule. Klimali su glavama i govorili: "Joj, to je vrlo naporno!!! Nikada neće uspjeti!". Ili: "U tome neće uspjeti, jer je kula vrlo visoka!" Žabice su počele zaostajati ... osim jedne, koja je brzo puzila sve više i više... 

Gledaoci su vikali:
"To je preteško! Nitko neće dospjeti tako visoko!"

Jedna po jedna,  žabice su odustajale i okretale se natrag. Osim ove jedne koja je ustrajno išla naprijed.
Nije htjela odustati!

Na kraju su sve odustale, osim jedne žabice, koja se sama i s velikim ambicijama popela na vrh kule!
 Ostale žabice, kao i gledaoci htjeli su saznati kako je baš ona uspjela uraditi ono što je za ostale bilo nemoguće. Jedan gledatelj je pristupio žabici i zapitao je gdje je smogla toliko snage da izdrži do samog vrha.
Tada se pokazalo, pobjednička žabica je bila GLUHA!!! 

Nikad nemoj slušati one ljude koji su negativni i pesimistični... pošto Ti uzimaju najbolje čežnje i snove koje imaš u svojoj duši! Uvijek misli na snagu riječi jer sve što čuješ ili čitaš utjecait će na tvoja djela! 

I što više, jednostavno budi GLUH kad Ti netko kaže da ne možeš ostvariti svoje snove! 

U svemu možeš uspjeti ako to stvarno želiš!


Thought is another name for fate - by Henry Van Dyke

Your thoughts become words.
Your words become actions.
Your actions become habits.
Your habits become character.
Your character becomes your destiny.

As Earl Nightingale said: "We become what we think about all day long.", or as Buddha so plainly put: "We think. We become.". To say your thoughts are important is clearly an understatement, as thoughts are modeling clay you mold yourself by. 

 I hold it true that thoughts are things;
They’re endowed with bodies and breath and wings;
And that we send them forth to fill
The world with good results, or ill.
That which we call our secret thought
Speeds forth to earth’s remotest spot,
Leaving its blessings or its woes
Like tracks behind it as it goes.
We build our future thought by thought,
For good or ill, yet know it not.
Yet, so the universe was wrought.
Thought is another name for fate;
Choose, then, thy destiny and wait, 
For love brings love and hate brings hate. 

~ by Henry Van Dyke ~


Fires of Beltane - the cycles of life

Embrace the purifying flame,
throw off the cloak of inhibition.
Stoke the good fires of Beltane
and let flames fuel love’s fission.

Give way the cold, let the thaw begin
As Winter transforms to Spring again.
Let all creatures of cold slumber rise
And feathers on wings fill the skies.

The sun climbs high to summer glory,
unfolds the leaf and swells the bud,
delivering all of nature’s dowry
and a promise, now misunderstood.

Brooks and streams are babbling
All harken to the song they sing.
The Crocus and the Daffodil
Casting off their Winter chill.

From atom’s heart to human heart
spring passes the vitalizing flame
and in each nucleus a spark
sets passion’s ardent torch aflame.

Bare boned trees show signs of life
For they've withstood cold Winter's strife.
Sodden fields soon to color green
As life returns where death once seen.

A tiny babe born one Yule
Nurtured through many Winter's cruel,
Has now grown to a maiden fair
Let the joy of Beltane fill the air.

From a child the maid she grew
With an innocence known only to a few,
Sheltered by her purity
As to fulfill her destiny.

In linen gown with golden thread
A crown of flowers round her head,
Was taken to a secret place
Where her lover could behold her face.

Now the maiden sweet with raven hair
Her soulful eyes and skin so fair,
Chance for to meet her lover's gaze
As he peers at her through his forest maze.

The Green Man Cern in gallant stride
Has claimed her for his maiden bride,
And from their love the two shall bear
A babe at Yule with raven hair.

Now the maiden has become the Crone
And she spends her time mostly all alone,
With sweet dreams of the Summer Land
Where she'll soon return to once again.

Old and withered when the Crone she died
No tears for her left to be cried.
Though the cycles of life sometimes seem cruel,

Still a babe is always born at Yule.
Fires of love join earth and sky,
While we will celebrate into the night
Our passage into this Pagan Rite.

Let all hear the drumming sound
For the seeds of Beltane have gone to ground.

Our heritage passed hand to hand
And shoulder to shoulder we will stand.

By the water's edge for all to see
Sending love to the Universe.


My happiness

Say: "My happiness depends on me, so you're off the hook." And then demonstrate it. 
Be happy, no matter what they're doing. Practice feeling good, no matter what. 
And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel -- and then, you'll love them all. Because the only reason you don't love them, is because you're using them as your excuse to not feel good.
One can not entrust their happiness to another person, or ask them to do so. FAIL example: "Hey! While you're going along and dealing with YOUR life, I expect you to provide my happiness as well."
  Taking responsibility for YOUR own feelings, no matter what they are, IS a biggie.


Neptunian homecoming - The Great God Pan

You see me standing here beside you, and hear my voice;
but I tell you that all these things - yes, from that star that
has just shone out in the sky to the solid ground beneath our
feet - I say that all of these are but dreams and shadows:
the shadows that hide the real world from our eyes. There is a
real world, but it is beyond this glamor, and this vision,
beyond these ‘chases in Arras, dreams in a career,’
beyond them all as beyond a veil 

~ from "The Great God Pan" by Arthur Machen ~ 

Through Neptune we seek fons et origo, Paradise lost and Paradise to one day be regained.


How to Celebrate The Old Celtic Ways: Ostara, The Spring Equinox

Ostara / Ēostre / Ēastre, the celtic celebration of the Spring equinox is an important holiday in the old traditional ways of the Celts. Ostara is celebrated as a time of renewal and rebirth. and the celebration correlates to the Christian Easter which celebrates the coming of the light out of the darkness. 

Candle lighting. Ostara is the Spring Equinox. The sun will rise precisely due East and set exactly 12 hours later due West. To symbolize this and help celebrate this event, many people choose to light a candle in the East at sunrise and another in the West at sunset, extinguishing the eastern candle.

Flora Galore! A great way to welcome in the Spring on Ostara, March 21, is to gather local flowers that are blooming and place them around your home. This signifies the return of life after the long, cold winter months and brightens your day and your home as well.

Bunnies? Why are bunnies so exalted on the Spring equinox? In Europe, the March hare was a nocturnal creature, rarely seen by day. However, in March, breeding time, they were everywhere, day and night. So, they became a symbol for life, birth and fertility and are an important part of any Ostara celebration. There is a legend of a March hare who wanted to give the goddess Eostre the most beautiful egg ever to celebrate her day, Ostara. He decorated the egg and presented it to the goddess. Eostre was so pleased with it, that she wanted all the children (themselves representative of life renewing itself) to enjoy the beautiful eggs too. Thus, the birth of the "Easter Bunny" delivering decorative eggs to children.

 Plant a seed. The celebrate the spring and rebirth of life, plant a seed to commemorate the event. Watch it as it grows and celebrates new life. It doesn't matter what you plant. You can plant whatever seed you like. A tree, an herb, a flower.
 Eggcetera. Eggs are associated with Ostara because they symbolically represent life. Use some great pastels, or spring colors, and dye the eggs. A good, old fashioned egg hunt is a great way to celebrate Ostara reminiscent of times of old.


Irish Wishes

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

Walls for the wind,
And a roof for the rain,
And drinks beside the fire -
Laughter to cheer you
And those you love near you,
And all that your heart may desire!

Always remember to forget
The things that made you sad.
But never forget to remember
The things that made you glad.
Always remember to forget
The friends that proved untrue.
But never forget to remember
Those that have stuck by you.
Always remember to forget
The troubles that passed away.
But never forget to remember
The blessings that come each day.


10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace by Dr Wayne Dyer

* THANK YOU ARTI for this lovely inspiration! :)
The Irony of Giving...If you wanted to give a dozen oranges to your neighbour as an expression of love, you obviously would need to be in possession of 12 oranges. Likewise, you can't give love away to others if you don't have any for yourself. You can't show respect for others if you lack self-respect. You can't give happiness if you feel unhappy.You can only give what you do have and all that you're giving away each & every day are items from your own personal inventory. If you give away hatred, its because you've stored up hatred inside of you to give away. If you give away misery, its because you have a ready supply available from which to select and distribute.

This concept is simplified by a description of squeezing an orange. When you squeeze an orange, you'll always get orange juice to come out. This is true regardless of who does the squeezing, what time of day you squeeze, what instrument you use to squeeze or what circumstances surround the orange-squeezing. What comes out is what's inside.

The same logic applies to you.When someone squeezes you, in some way puts pressure on you, or says something unflattering or critical; and out of you comes anger, hatred, bitterness, tension, depression or anxiety, its because *That Is What's Inside*. The irony is that you can't give away what you don't have because you're always giving what you do have.
Ask yourself... "What do I have inside?" and "Why have I chosen to store these kinds of energies in me to give to others?"


Tornado of the Soul

Tornado strikes
Lightning bolts
Igniting the fire
Of changes that come

The winds turn
Round and soft
Faster and strong
As skies turn black

They collide
Becoming One

As the winds bond together
They destroy everything on their path
The old ways perish
The new ones come


Green Man quatrain

I dream of my Green Man
And awake with a smile.
Than I make a divine plan
Wondering if it's worthwhile.


Book of Tao - The Character of the Child by Lao Tsu

55.  The Character of the Child   
Book V. Chapter 55.
Who is rich in character 
Is like a child. 
   No poisonous insects sting him, 
   No wild beasts attack him, 
   And no birds of prey pounce upon him. 
His bones are soft, his sinews tender, yet his grip is strong. 
Not knowing the union of male and female, yet his organs are complete, 
   Which means his vigor is unspoiled. 
Crying the whole day, yet his voice never runs hoarse, 
   Which means his (natural) harmony is perfect. 
To know harmony is to be in accord with the eternal, 
(And) to know eternity is called discerning. 
(But) to improve upon life is called an ill-omen; 
To let go the emotions through impulse is called assertiveness. 
(For) things age after reaching their prime; 
That (assertiveness) would be against Tao. 
And he who is against Tao perishes young.

Would You

What if in the blink of an eye, the world as you know it changed?
Would you as swiftly step up?
Would you step up at all?

If your old beliefs were shattered, proving some were lies
but you could not distinct which ones.
Would you try to search for the truth?

If suddenly you felt remorse after you’ve seen the light.
Would you try to fix it giving it a second chance or peace?

Do you believe in the unknown?
Do you believe in Shangri-la, ghosts, brave divinities,
pixies, mermaids and golden fireflies?
Fairytales and miracles and rainbow space dust?

What would be your answer?
Mine is simple. 
Yes, I would and 
Yes, I do believe in dreamer’s dreams.


I wonder

A thought of something close and shiny has appeared
A thought born out of a miniature atom, out of thin air
A feeling of something warm and bright
A feeling full of smiles

Is it wondrous or delusional?
Unearthly or dreamy?

I wonder
I wonder
As something already known is approaching

Getting bigger and bigger
Warmer and brighter

An unexpected turn of events with a breeze of the returning past
I'm intrigued now what it will manifest in this World
What it will bring

I wonder
I wonder
And I smile in between



Kao snijeg čista
Obasjava osmijehom sreće
I tjera te da se izgubiš u
Tamnim srnećim očima
Koje sjaje kao zvijezde na najcrnijem nebu
I uvode nemir u tebe
Svojom dječjom nevaljalošću


The Green Eyed Butterfly

I dream of a butterfly, 
big emerald green eyed butterfly. 
Shining eyes as supernova 
as looking into my eyes. 

I dream of a butterfly 
with vibrant wings of delicate black lace, 
gliding thru the air as a breeze, 
all around me. 

I dream of a butterfly 
singing happy with his wings. 
Dancing a faerie dance 
as he smiles and touches softly my face.



all is good all is sad
a little blue a little red

a little antsy
a little blessed

somewhat jumpy
somewhat gay

in this ever changing game


As Water I am ...

As water I flow thru obstacles
Beneath the twinkling stars.

As water I glide over banks of life
As nothing stays my course.

Strong and deep
Still and clear.
Always flowing
Always moving

Blue and green
Gray and black
None at all
Yet everything at once.
Magical and tumbling
Dangerous, forceful and soft.

As water I fall on ground from the sky.
I am ocean
I am river
I am stream
Clouds and creeks.
As water I am the bringer of LIFE.


The Dark Soul of the Demon of the Fall

Slowly plunging shallow beds
of the corners of the eye
with scarlet green claws.
Crawling its way through eyelashes
wickedly laughing and silently screaming:
" I am free ! "


Thoughts on pain

pain .. what is pain?
an emotion
an illusion
a teardrop
the hour of separation
the scream of the heart
desperation of taught
coldness of ones smile
scattering the one who is beloved

so maddening
so endless
delusional and

or is it a somewhat beclouded emotion
much darker than we can imagine
the one
yet to be discovered?


Lullaby Dreams

With these treasured memories,
sweet dreams of you shall come to me.
The way you laugh, the way you smile,
my heart, it skips, it leaps a mile.
Your gentle breath, your tender touch,
I long for you, so very much.
Your lips so soft, your eyes so bright,
I need you on this lonely night.
Let me feel you, smell your scent,
taste your mouth, you're heaven sent.
Close me in your warm embrace,
and make my heart begin to race.
Pull me ever closer, near,
tell me what I need to hear.
Fulfill my every earthly desire,
until my passion roars like fire. 

One kiss

One kiss to sweep me away
One kiss to keep my sorrows away
One to rule me
One to bound me
One to set me free
One kiss is all I need
To be with you for eternity 

Just a poem

The words slide off your tempting lips
Like a blue butterfly
as he flutters its wings

But the moment fades away
as i feel your voice as lovely
 gliding in the wind away


The Dark Tree of Death

Death crumbles a tree while
Darkness whispers to the leaves
Here comes the dark tree of Death

Subdue yourself or live not
Listen to the whispers
or be lost in eternity
Obey or be gone

Desmodontinae shifts across the darkened sky
smelling vibrations and fear

Will they hear
will they obey
or will they be lost forever

Death crumbles a tree while
Darkness dresses it and whispers
Here came the dark tree of Death


In this night of voluptuous subtlety,
a song of sorrow was created while wolves vent their pain.
Coming forth barefoot and unclothed
bathed by the silvery moonlight rays
the thirsting one awakens.

Curling wisps of death
shrouds her gaunt translucent shadow
imbued by an eternal desire for life.

Her black rubies hair
cascade over sheer ivory shoulders,
and her succulent sanguine lips slightly part
to taste the life streaming
from the red pale flesh beneath her.

As she smiles vaguely
the night becomes everlasting.
As night becomes ecstasy,
she smiles joyous and frantically.

Doomed Lovers

The night falls as if slain by the sun,
while we wonder in the cold woods of despair
calling and screaming for each other in silence.

Alone are we.
Alone and lost, the emotion for which you may not pray
but did accept as your only truth, out of fear.
Your flare of life and hope sparks once, then dies,
devoured by guilt.

As you believe all hope must surely perish
your heart turned to ice and beats no more.
You failed to believe and hope.

How could you fail to believe?

How could you fail to hear the angels 
surround us, singing to us, crying 
in cold void of our hearts.
Trying to save us.

Following Stream

After the rain the Sun shines upon me
to give me courage to speak my mind.

After the dark comes the light
to speak of wisdom in endless rime.

After tears your smile shines
and I hear angels cry.

Happy Misery

Happy Misery, I call out loud your name to keep my sorrows away
as you've been my companion for to long in this life.

I lived with fear, with everlasting sadness
of what could have been.
If I've done different I wouldn't have met you.
If I'd been brave I wouldn't have heard your cold whisper.
If I'd been merry and opened you wouldn't be ruling.

Happy Misery, bless my heart
from falling apart as i am rebelling.

I feel foolishly brave as David and strong as Hercules.
So keep my sorrows away and be warned
As i am rebelling!

A dream

I dream of Angels
with children's smile.
I dream of Angels with watery blue eyes
big as shining star.
Hands soft as new born baby
and long fingers on their guitar.

I dream of Angels
singing of love
I dream of Angels
and their song

Deep as Ocean blue as sky
they sing to me.

I dream of Angels and their song
And every night and every heavenly dream
I smile and dance.

I dream of Angels that showed me heaven,
that showed me laughter and eternity.
I play and laugh and dance and sing
with my Angels for Eternity.

Cjetovi moji

Cvjetovi moji bujajte!
Plešite na vjetru
Pjevajte cijelom svijetu,
O sreći, o ljubavi, o miru.

Veselite stare
Volite mlade.
Pričajte o ljepotama
Pišite o strahotama.
Neka ljudi zapamte
Neka savijest raste.
Da vas paze
Da vas maze.

Cvjetovi moji bujajte, bujajte!
Isprepličite se uzajamno i
načinite oblake meke ko' san
tanke ko' lan.
Plešite, pjevajte, volite
Poskakujte i amo i tamo i ljevo i desno
Rastite svugdje.


Dok Sunce tuče krošnje,
listići šišarke polako padaju označujući
moj spori kraj.

Zadnjim snagama pokušavam viknuti
dok me Sunce na momente zasljepljuje
ne znajući da li je java ili vječni san.

I dok se krošnje igraju a djeca ciču
moj glas zamire a sjaj nestaje.
Polako se gubi u tihom kriku.

I očaj me obuzme
Da nitko saznati neće
pa šapnem vjetru štoriju cijelu.

S osmjehom odahnem i
zadnji dah udahnem dok
dječji plač u daljini ne zamre.


Morala sam ti prići i poljubiti te usne putene, pozivajuće, tako grešne i slatke.
Utopiti se u poljupcima tvojim i izgorjeti na rukama tvojim.
Bilo bi tako lako zaljubiti se u te i tako loše ..
ali ne mogu si pomoći
jer probuđuješ poeziju u meni stoga vičem: „Uzmi me! Otmi me! Obljubi me!
Ispuni me zvijezdama i crnilom dok treperim zarivajući se u te i obgrljujući te nogama.“

Voli me kao nikoga do sada. Prepusti se. Opusti se. Razdiri me. Otkači se. Vrišti. Grizi.
Voli me na sve načine i spavaj pokraj mene da osjetim težinu tvoju
te slatkoću tvoga daha i mog okusa na njemu.

A kada jutro svane i cvrčci nas probude ... nasmiješi se i ponovi .. i ponovi sve ..
prvo nježnije pa žešće dok ne nestanemo u noći.


Ja želim nebu poletjeti
Da vidim usnule zvijezde.
Trčati prema svjetlu,
jahati na vjetru.
Sanjati svoj život i
živjeti ga dvaput.