
The Dark Tree of Death

Death crumbles a tree while
Darkness whispers to the leaves
Here comes the dark tree of Death

Subdue yourself or live not
Listen to the whispers
or be lost in eternity
Obey or be gone

Desmodontinae shifts across the darkened sky
smelling vibrations and fear

Will they hear
will they obey
or will they be lost forever

Death crumbles a tree while
Darkness dresses it and whispers
Here came the dark tree of Death


In this night of voluptuous subtlety,
a song of sorrow was created while wolves vent their pain.
Coming forth barefoot and unclothed
bathed by the silvery moonlight rays
the thirsting one awakens.

Curling wisps of death
shrouds her gaunt translucent shadow
imbued by an eternal desire for life.

Her black rubies hair
cascade over sheer ivory shoulders,
and her succulent sanguine lips slightly part
to taste the life streaming
from the red pale flesh beneath her.

As she smiles vaguely
the night becomes everlasting.
As night becomes ecstasy,
she smiles joyous and frantically.

Doomed Lovers

The night falls as if slain by the sun,
while we wonder in the cold woods of despair
calling and screaming for each other in silence.

Alone are we.
Alone and lost, the emotion for which you may not pray
but did accept as your only truth, out of fear.
Your flare of life and hope sparks once, then dies,
devoured by guilt.

As you believe all hope must surely perish
your heart turned to ice and beats no more.
You failed to believe and hope.

How could you fail to believe?

How could you fail to hear the angels 
surround us, singing to us, crying 
in cold void of our hearts.
Trying to save us.

Following Stream

After the rain the Sun shines upon me
to give me courage to speak my mind.

After the dark comes the light
to speak of wisdom in endless rime.

After tears your smile shines
and I hear angels cry.

Happy Misery

Happy Misery, I call out loud your name to keep my sorrows away
as you've been my companion for to long in this life.

I lived with fear, with everlasting sadness
of what could have been.
If I've done different I wouldn't have met you.
If I'd been brave I wouldn't have heard your cold whisper.
If I'd been merry and opened you wouldn't be ruling.

Happy Misery, bless my heart
from falling apart as i am rebelling.

I feel foolishly brave as David and strong as Hercules.
So keep my sorrows away and be warned
As i am rebelling!

A dream

I dream of Angels
with children's smile.
I dream of Angels with watery blue eyes
big as shining star.
Hands soft as new born baby
and long fingers on their guitar.

I dream of Angels
singing of love
I dream of Angels
and their song

Deep as Ocean blue as sky
they sing to me.

I dream of Angels and their song
And every night and every heavenly dream
I smile and dance.

I dream of Angels that showed me heaven,
that showed me laughter and eternity.
I play and laugh and dance and sing
with my Angels for Eternity.

Cjetovi moji

Cvjetovi moji bujajte!
Plešite na vjetru
Pjevajte cijelom svijetu,
O sreći, o ljubavi, o miru.

Veselite stare
Volite mlade.
Pričajte o ljepotama
Pišite o strahotama.
Neka ljudi zapamte
Neka savijest raste.
Da vas paze
Da vas maze.

Cvjetovi moji bujajte, bujajte!
Isprepličite se uzajamno i
načinite oblake meke ko' san
tanke ko' lan.
Plešite, pjevajte, volite
Poskakujte i amo i tamo i ljevo i desno
Rastite svugdje.


Dok Sunce tuče krošnje,
listići šišarke polako padaju označujući
moj spori kraj.

Zadnjim snagama pokušavam viknuti
dok me Sunce na momente zasljepljuje
ne znajući da li je java ili vječni san.

I dok se krošnje igraju a djeca ciču
moj glas zamire a sjaj nestaje.
Polako se gubi u tihom kriku.

I očaj me obuzme
Da nitko saznati neće
pa šapnem vjetru štoriju cijelu.

S osmjehom odahnem i
zadnji dah udahnem dok
dječji plač u daljini ne zamre.


Morala sam ti prići i poljubiti te usne putene, pozivajuće, tako grešne i slatke.
Utopiti se u poljupcima tvojim i izgorjeti na rukama tvojim.
Bilo bi tako lako zaljubiti se u te i tako loše ..
ali ne mogu si pomoći
jer probuđuješ poeziju u meni stoga vičem: „Uzmi me! Otmi me! Obljubi me!
Ispuni me zvijezdama i crnilom dok treperim zarivajući se u te i obgrljujući te nogama.“

Voli me kao nikoga do sada. Prepusti se. Opusti se. Razdiri me. Otkači se. Vrišti. Grizi.
Voli me na sve načine i spavaj pokraj mene da osjetim težinu tvoju
te slatkoću tvoga daha i mog okusa na njemu.

A kada jutro svane i cvrčci nas probude ... nasmiješi se i ponovi .. i ponovi sve ..
prvo nježnije pa žešće dok ne nestanemo u noći.


Ja želim nebu poletjeti
Da vidim usnule zvijezde.
Trčati prema svjetlu,
jahati na vjetru.
Sanjati svoj život i
živjeti ga dvaput.