
The Wright Brothers - Smiling Addiction

happiness is the absence of commence sense
a smoking gun
everything will be just fine
just bite your lip and close your eyes
where there are no walls there is no hope

drink to forget what you’ve seen
this life is just a dream with candy all around
got a smiling addiction
smiling addiction
treat your smiling addiction

say goodbye to all your pain

and feel alive
the feeling is gone
at your feet of the heart in mind
it’s but a gift for the leading lie
why should we change?
when we’ve got no will

drink to forget what you’ve seen
this life is just a dream with candy all around
got a smiling addiction
smiling addiction
treat your smiling addiction today
smile today 


Merry Midsummer / Litha

Midsummer Magick

 As the longest day of Summer fades into memory,
So comes that shortest and blessed night.
At the witching hour, as the bell chimes longest, we call,
Midsummer magick come alive!

We've spent the warm day in forest and meadow,
Gathered our John's Wort, vervain and rue,
Plucked trefoil and roses too, and seeds of fern.
Midsummer magick come alive!

Then we crush the seeds with herb and flower,
Blandan well wax from the bee and tallow fat.
Dancing, we chant the great charme of power,
Midsummer magick come alive!

Into the woods we once again travel,
A pinch of rue, not forgotten, in our pockets.
With magick fat we anoint our eyes, our legs and bellies.
Midsummer magick come  alive!

We languidly lay beneath the willow's branches,
  With a glimpse of dreams and instructing visions,
There before us, the Horde rides and sways,
Midsummer magick has come alive!

 ~ E A Kaufman ~