
Fires of Beltane - the cycles of life

Embrace the purifying flame,
throw off the cloak of inhibition.
Stoke the good fires of Beltane
and let flames fuel love’s fission.

Give way the cold, let the thaw begin
As Winter transforms to Spring again.
Let all creatures of cold slumber rise
And feathers on wings fill the skies.

The sun climbs high to summer glory,
unfolds the leaf and swells the bud,
delivering all of nature’s dowry
and a promise, now misunderstood.

Brooks and streams are babbling
All harken to the song they sing.
The Crocus and the Daffodil
Casting off their Winter chill.

From atom’s heart to human heart
spring passes the vitalizing flame
and in each nucleus a spark
sets passion’s ardent torch aflame.

Bare boned trees show signs of life
For they've withstood cold Winter's strife.
Sodden fields soon to color green
As life returns where death once seen.

A tiny babe born one Yule
Nurtured through many Winter's cruel,
Has now grown to a maiden fair
Let the joy of Beltane fill the air.

From a child the maid she grew
With an innocence known only to a few,
Sheltered by her purity
As to fulfill her destiny.

In linen gown with golden thread
A crown of flowers round her head,
Was taken to a secret place
Where her lover could behold her face.

Now the maiden sweet with raven hair
Her soulful eyes and skin so fair,
Chance for to meet her lover's gaze
As he peers at her through his forest maze.

The Green Man Cern in gallant stride
Has claimed her for his maiden bride,
And from their love the two shall bear
A babe at Yule with raven hair.

Now the maiden has become the Crone
And she spends her time mostly all alone,
With sweet dreams of the Summer Land
Where she'll soon return to once again.

Old and withered when the Crone she died
No tears for her left to be cried.
Though the cycles of life sometimes seem cruel,

Still a babe is always born at Yule.
Fires of love join earth and sky,
While we will celebrate into the night
Our passage into this Pagan Rite.

Let all hear the drumming sound
For the seeds of Beltane have gone to ground.

Our heritage passed hand to hand
And shoulder to shoulder we will stand.

By the water's edge for all to see
Sending love to the Universe.


My happiness

Say: "My happiness depends on me, so you're off the hook." And then demonstrate it. 
Be happy, no matter what they're doing. Practice feeling good, no matter what. 
And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel -- and then, you'll love them all. Because the only reason you don't love them, is because you're using them as your excuse to not feel good.
One can not entrust their happiness to another person, or ask them to do so. FAIL example: "Hey! While you're going along and dealing with YOUR life, I expect you to provide my happiness as well."
  Taking responsibility for YOUR own feelings, no matter what they are, IS a biggie.


Neptunian homecoming - The Great God Pan

You see me standing here beside you, and hear my voice;
but I tell you that all these things - yes, from that star that
has just shone out in the sky to the solid ground beneath our
feet - I say that all of these are but dreams and shadows:
the shadows that hide the real world from our eyes. There is a
real world, but it is beyond this glamor, and this vision,
beyond these ‘chases in Arras, dreams in a career,’
beyond them all as beyond a veil 

~ from "The Great God Pan" by Arthur Machen ~ 

Through Neptune we seek fons et origo, Paradise lost and Paradise to one day be regained.