
Words to family on Samhain - by R. A. Melos

Still your mind,  
and still your soul, 
heed the words that make you grow, 
listen to the winds of the sages,
learn the wisdom of the mages, 
handed down to us from the ages.

Time is ours,
but only fleeting,
hear the wings of eternity beating,
soon enough we'll all be meeting,
and each of us merrily greeting.

The moon will be full,
and round,
and bright.
And we'll be wisked away,
in the dead of night.
To the place we are meant to be,
to learn and grow,
and maybe see,
a spectre of what we should be.

Time is ours,
frozen, but brief,
allowing us to release our grief,
to open our hearts and minds once more,
and step through the sacred door,
of time and space, and futures past,
to teach us the spells to cast.
So we may once again be free,
to live and love and blessed be.

~ by R..A..Melos ~

The Drums of Samhain - by Chanticleer

The drums of Samhain keeping time.
The gates of magic open wide.
A cauldron's blessings overflow.

The candle flames are dying low.
The witches dance the circle 'round
to chant and bring the power down. 
Hecate will hear our call
to turn the summer into fall.
The magic veil is growing thin.
The Netherworld is near our own. 

We'll see the sacred fire fed
 while witches commune with the dead.
 The winds of Autumn call our names.

The driving rhythm slowly calms. 
The glowing embers we will tend
 until the drums of Samhain end. 

~ by Chanticleer ~